You’ve just received a hair transplant. Here are some things to remember when taking care of your new grafts. You have successfully transformed your hairline with one of the safe alternatives to hair loss. These grafts can be fragile, so they need to be cared for properly. Let’s now discuss some things you should do after your hair transplant.
Hair Transplant Do’s
After your procedure, make sure you have someone to take you home. Although hair transplant surgery isn’t sedating, you are not recommended to drive home after the procedure.
When you are experiencing swelling, it is essential to elevate your head. Most people experience minimal swelling within the first few days. Many don’t even notice any swelling at all. A recliner can be used as a bed, and you can catch up on your favorite Netflix shows!
Ask about safe medications.
Ice can be placed over your eyebrows to prevent swelling. This area may experience swelling on the third or fourth day following surgery.
It would be best if you were gentle with your hair in the first five days after the transplant. Avoid scrubbing your scalp, and don’t use water to blast it.
To wash your hair, it is best to use a cup.
Use conditioner gently on your scalp. This will reduce any itching.
If you are worried about your hair, it is best to color it before the procedure. You can be sure that the surgery will not affect your hair if you exaggerate it before it happens.
Before and after surgery, ensure that you hydrate well and drink plenty of water.
It is common for hair to fall about two to four weeks after hair transplant surgery. It is normal and acceptable, and necessary for the growth cycle. This does not mean that your hair follicles have been damaged. Your hair will grow back in 3 months.
Do Nots After The Surgery
To begin with, you should not sleep on your stomach or side. Your new hairline should never touch or rub against any pillows.
Swelling is normal, most often on the third and fourth days after surgery. Don’t be alarmed if it happens.
You should not apply ice to the areas of hair transplantation on your head. These areas should not be touched.
Your scalp will develop scabs, so don’t stop it from happening. It is expected, as your scalp was treated for surgery. Scab formation is normal and part of healing. You would typically leave a scab on any other body aspect until it disappears. It would help if you did the same for scabs on your forehead.
Do not wash your hair for 48 hours after your hair transplant surgery.
Do not touch your scalp. It is usual for your scalp to feel itchy.
Do not wear caps or hats for the first three days following surgery. This is necessary to prevent scab formation from occurring on your head. The scabs will take around three days to form, so keep your head covered.
You should avoid the sun in the first two weeks following your surgery. After three days after your surgery, you can wear a hat. Most people who have hair transplants do it during vacation. You can go to the beach or anywhere else, but ensure you cover your head correctly, so you don’t get sunburned. Also, don’t go diving.
While you may wish to exercise after surgery, avoiding exercise for the first few days is best. You should prevent exerting your body as an increased heart rate, or blood pressure could cause more swelling. If you enjoy going to the gym, this may prove not easy. Instead of lifting weights at the gym, you can do a quick run or light cardio.
Avoid activities that cause you to sweat a lot.
Avoid dying your hair for at most four weeks following your surgery. Because the chemicals can damage your hair, which is already fragile, it’s essential to avoid dying it for at least four weeks after the surgery.
Avoid drinking alcohol within the first five days following surgery, as it can adversely impact your blood supply.
You should avoid smoking for at most one month following hair transplant surgery. It would also lower your blood flow. It is best to quit smoking.