How To Detox Naturally Best Ways To Cleanse Your Body

The detox finished on Saturday last week (I missed my last delivery due to being out and then the post office was shut so I couldn’t collect it) but luckily I had a juice left over as I went to bed so early the night before and didn’t have my full 4 juices. As the day went on I was getting a bit nervous about eating actual food again after 5 days, but looking forward to the ‘chewing’ action at the same time! My first meal was, of course, a salad. Nothing major, simple rocket leaves, cucumber, some celery and avocado, and it was the *nicest* salad I’ve ever had! It also filled me up so much that I couldn’t finish it! The guidelines from Purifyne are to avoid cooked foods and concentrate on raw products, at least for the first 2-4 days after detoxing as your body will continue to detoxify and cleanse after the process.

I must admit, before I started the detox I was imagining that once I’d finished I’d be desperate to throw myself into a cake or a bag of chips, but the most amazing thing happened during the detox. I don’t know if it’s because my body cleared itself of toxins and rubbish, or if it was because I’d put myself through the task of doing it, but I really didn’t want to eat anything ‘fake’. Pre detox I would live on diet coke, it would be my water. A cup of tea for breakfast, can of coke with lunch, one after school, one with dinner, one in the evening. (shocking I know) I would be unlikely to have any actual water during the day. Since the detox? Not one single can of coke, diet or otherwise, has passed my lips. The only thing I’m drinking is water. Sparkling or still, but just water.

I was very conscious of regaining the weight I’d lost during the detox, as I knew some of it was water, and I did of course gain some back, but thankfully only 2lb. (Of which another 1lb has since come off) so I have still lost just under half a stone, which is fantastic! One week on & I’m still feeling the benefits of detoxing. I’m avoiding all processed and un-natural foods, because I want to, not because a diet plan tells me to, no sugar, artificial or otherwise (the cup of caffeine free tea I now have in the morning is minus it’s sweetener) no white bread, in fact hardly any bread at all, I just have no need for it, no pasta, no crap. My meals are now consisting of a smoothie for breakfast (courtesy of my new blender!) salad for lunch, with some olives, avocado & tomatoes, and dinner is something like fish & sweet potato, or chicken and couscous salad. Everything is fresh and in it’s natural form, so I guess it’s classed as “clean foods” but the amazing thing is, I don’t want the rubbish, that’s the thing I’m enjoying the most.

Even though tomorrow is easter sunday and there are already 5 eggs in my fridge, I know I won’t be nibbling on the kids stash because it’s all milk chocolate, which tastes like pure sugar to me, so I’ve turned my attention to the dark stuff, 75% or above. And even then I only need a little bit. Over the next few days I’ll be posting a few tips & guidelines I learnt from Purifyne, I already know of 3 lovely ladies that will be detoxing in the upcoming weeks because of my journey, and I know that I’ll be detoxing again in the autumn.


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